Brand Lift Study


Movia measures conversion and overall impact on consumers’ intent to purchase, convert, and/or consume using its mobile billboards. Caddle was approached to partner with Movia to provide insights on the target markets’ habits and the ‘why’ behind Canadian consumers’ behaviour.
We were able to identify a panel of consumers who resided in the target area who were surveyed on the Caddle platform. Respondents were first screened on their commuting habits, and then asked what television ads they remember being advertised recently.
The study found that 78% of consumers who saw a mobile billboard ad watched at least one episode. 53% of consumers watched more than two episodes! The results provided Movia with insight into commute frequency currently in the GTA, as well as a benchmark for unaided awareness. The study found that during April 2021, 42% (n=338) of consumers in the GTA are commuting at least once per week. 31.4% of weekly commuters recall seeing a truckside ad from Movia campaign (unaided awareness).