Last updated on July 7, 2021
As Canada shifts to fewer restrictions, how much have Canadians’ attitudes toward going out changed? After being in the pandemic for over a year, are consumers gravitating towards the stay-at-home life or hungry to get back to pre-pandemic times? After asking for the opinion of 8,500 Canadians this May 2021, Caddle made some interesting discoveries on what exactly Canadians will (or will not) be returning to.
So, what’s the big change?
As the provinces move out of a state of lockdown, Caddle wonders how the reopening of different industries will be impacted. Specifically, Caddle wanted to know what would encourage Canadians to return to some of their favourite spots – restaurants, movie theatres, and gyms.
Hey Google, Search Restaurants Near Me
Admit it, there’s nothing better than heading to your favourite Italian, Chinese, Indian, or ANY restaurant for that matter to indulge in some of your favourite foods! Prior to the pandemic, a majority of Canadians responded that they used to visit restaurants a few times a month (24.2%). While 41% of Canadians will be visiting restaurants about the same amount in the next 6 months, over 40% will be visiting less. With this information in mind, Caddle wanted to identify the factors that would increase restaurants’ attendance. Physical distancing, overall cleanliness, and vaccine requirements ranked amongst the highest with scores of 41.5%, 41.1%, and 36.8% respectively.
From the following options, what would encourage you to return to restaurants?

Compared to before the pandemic, do you plan on going to restaurants more or less often in the next 6 months?

Hey Google, Search Movie Theatres Near Me
Whether it was a trip to Cineplex, Landmark Cinemas, or even from the comfort of our own homes, movies provide a great source of entertainment. A majority of Canadians responded that they used to attend movie theatres multiple times a year (32.9%). However, similar to the responses from our restaurant survey, over 45% of Canadians will be visiting movie theatres less in the next 6 months. When asked what would encourage Canadians to return back to movie theaters, it is no surprise that the top 3 responses are physical distancing, vaccine requirement, and overall cleanliness- with scores of 39.9%, 34.2%, and 33.6% respectively.
From the following options, what would encourage you to return to movie theatres?

Compared to before the pandemic, do you plan on going to movie theatres more or less often in the next 6 months?

Hey Google, Search Gyms Near Me
When was the last time you laced up your gym shoes and headed to the gym? Before the pandemic, not including those who did not go to a gym, The biggest cohort of gym-goers went to the gym a few times a week (14.2%). Over half of Canadians say in the next 6 months they will be visiting the gym the same amount as before (57.3%) and approximately 29% will be attending less than before. So, what will make Canadians return? To get Canadians back into the fitness world, the top 3 reasons (that have been consistent across the board) are overall cleanliness (24.3%), vaccine requirement (23.3%), and physical distancing (21.1%).
From the following options, what would encourage you to return to the gym?

Compared to before the pandemic, do you plan on going to a gym more or less often in the next 6 months?

How Are We Going To Return To Normal?
Of all the reasons to go back to some of our favourite places, what did Canadians voice would encourage them the most? According to our survey results, a majority of Canadians responded that when returning back to restaurants, movie theatres, or gyms they would be most encouraged if vaccines were required. With the accelerated vaccine distribution, could this mean normalcy isn’t so far around the corner?
Main Takeaways
No.1 |
Physical distance, overall cleanliness, and vaccine requirements are the top 3 factors that encourage Canadians to return to restaurants, movie theatres, and gyms.
No.2 |
Vaccine requirements are the most important factor to encourage Canadians to return back to restaurants, movie theatres, and gyms.
*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.
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