Last updated on October 26, 2021
Haunted houses, pumpkin patches and candy – spooky season is finally upon us and Canadians can’t wait to celebrate! According to a survey conducted by Caddle, 52.7% Canadians celebrate Halloween every year.
Spooky season calls for splurging on candies, and as seen in Caddle’s featured article by Strategy, Gen Xers are the most generous when it comes to spending on Halloween candy.
With this in mind, Caddle asked our Daily Survey Panel of 8,400 Canadians about their thoughts on Halloween. Caddle discovered that the top reason for Canadians to celebrate Halloween is ‘to spend quality time with family and friends’ (41.3%), followed by ‘special effects/decorations’ (30%) and ‘wearing costumes’ (27.8%).

Do Canadians Have a Sweet Tooth?
When Caddle asked Canadians if they plan on purchasing Halloween candy this year, 46.2% said “Yes”, 33.6% said “No” and 20.2% said they were ‘Unsure’. Furthermore, when asked “How do you feel about this statement: I often buy a box of Halloween candy and then eat it, and have to buy another” 35.2% of Canadians said they agreed/strongly agreed with the statement while 15.6% were neutral and 20.8% disagreed. Diving deeper into the demographics we discover that when it comes to Halloween candy, Gen Xers are the most generous.

Deep Dive Into Demographics
When it comes to spending on Halloween candy, 31% of Canadians are spending in the $11 to $25 dollar range. Gen Xers are the biggest spenders – 28% spend between $26 and $50, while 10% spend over $50. According to what Caddle likes to call “residual FOMO” or “fear of missing out”, Gen Zers plans to spend 23% more on candy this year.

Importantly, those who have kids in the house over-index in every response when it comes to giving out candy: 46% will give out more than half of their purchased candy to trick-or-treaters, compared to just 36% of the general population. Further, the gender breakdown further reveals that women are more keen on Halloween than their male counterparts: 57.7% of women celebrate annually, compared to 48.4% of men.
Has COVID-19 Affected Halloween Celebrations?
COVID-19 kept Canadians cooped up last Halloween, so Caddle wanted to know how likely are Canadians to participate in Halloween this year. According to the survey, a majority of Canadians (46%) will be celebrating Halloween this year while 18% are unsure, and 35.6% won’t be celebrating Halloween.

When it comes to spending money on Halloween candy or decorations, Canadians plan to stay consistent with previous years spending as 59.9% of Canadians answered they plan to spend the same amount when asked:

Main Takeaways
No.1 |
Top reasons for Canadians to celebrate Halloween is ‘to spend quality time with family and friends’ (41.3%), followed by ‘special effects/decorations’ (30%) and ‘wearing costumes’ (27.8%).
No.2 |
When it comes to spending on Halloween candy, 31% of Canadians are spending in the $11 to $25 dollar range. Gen Xers are the biggest spenders – 28% spend between $26 and $50, while 10% spend over $50.
No.3 |
When asked about spending money on Halloween Candy or decorations, Canadians plan to stay consistent as 59.9% of Canadians answered they plan to spend the same amount as previous years.
*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.
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