Last updated on February 8, 2022
For Canadians, with work-from-home and stay-in mandates persisting, finding new ways of entertainment is inevitable. For some, this might mean sipping a cold beer while watching a game of ice hockey or trying out new cocktail recipes with friends.
Keeping this in mind, Caddle asked our Daily Survey Panel about their thoughts on alcohol.
What’s Your Drink of Choice?
Caddle discovered vodka is in first place when it comes to alcohol purchases for Canadians. 53% of Canadians purchase vodka and 62.1% consume vodka. Cocktails rank second with 51.9% purchasing it and 54.9% of Canadians drinking cocktails, followed by whiskey.

Are Canadians Loyal to their Alcohol of Choice?
Caddle discovered that Canadians are loyal to not one but a few of their favorite alcohol brands. When asked what their approach to drinking is – 48% of Canadians said they “Switch between a couple of their favorite brands” for whiskey, followed by cognac, as 39% of Canadians switch between their favorite cognac brands. Moreover, whiskey drinkers seem to be the most brand-loyal as 27% answered they were “Brand loyalists”.

Price Drives Alcohol Loyalty
It is evident that everyone wants their money’s worth and alcohol is no exception. When Caddle asked their Daily Survey Panel, “What are the main reasons you are loyal to a brand of alcohol?” The top reason was “Price”, as 21%+ of Canadians state that ‘Price’ is the No.1 loyalty factor across alcohol categories, followed by “Value” and ‘Varieties’ and ‘Flavours’ are close behind as strong loyalty drivers.
What Alcohol Brands Need to do to Ensure Loyalty
Loyalty for the various beverages are distinct, and each has its marketing challenges. According to Caddle, marketers need to reinforce reputation, special release and value when marketing scotch, cognac & whisky. Whereas for tequila and vodka, marketers need to promote special promotions to drive sales and cocktails and seltzers need to show variety and innovate with new and appealing flavors.

Main Takeaways
No.1 |
Vodka is the first choice for Canadians when we look at purchase frequency and consumption.
No.2 |
Canadians are loyal to more than one brand of alcohol as 48% of Canadians said they “Switch between a couple of their favourite brands” for whiskey. In contrast, 39% of Canadians switch between their favourite cognac brands.
No.3 |
The top reason Canadians stay loyal to one brand of alcohol is the price, as 21%+ of Canadians state that ‘Price’ is the No.1 loyalty factor across alcohol categories.
Liked what you just read? Caddle has a lot more to offer, check out our blog Canadians Don’t Shy Away from Alcohol or Alcohol Loyalty!
*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.
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