Last updated on April 18, 2022

While at a grocery store in 2021, you may have noticed food prices going up; in 2022, groceries might continue taking a bigger bite out of your budget.

According to Statista , some 65.4 percent of respondents felt that food prices were increasing much faster than their household income.

Keeping this in mind Caddle asked our Daily Survey Panel about their thoughts on increasing food prices.

Which Grocery Items are Expensive Now?

Caddle asked their Daily Survey Panel which grocery items are more expensive now compared to 3 months ago, and the top response was “Meat” (71.3%), followed by “Dairy/butter/cheese” (67.2%) and “Fresh fruits and vegetables” (66.8%). The increase in prices is inclined towards fresh products compared to dry or frozen products as the top 5 choices by Canadians were perishables. 

Chart showing Canadians perception of price increases

Fresh or Frozen? 

While fresh meals are what our heart desires after a long day, we might not always have the time or the budget. Cadde discovered that amongst those who noticed price increases in Fresh Produce, nearly half switched to frozen to save money on at least some produce products. When asked if they have shifted from fresh to frozen products to save money, 48.2% of Canadians responded “Yes”.

Will Canadians Buy Frozen Produce?

As Canadians love their fresh produce, Caddle wanted to know the price threshold for Canadians that have switched to frozen foods. The largest proportions were in the $0.50 – $1.50 range.When asked how much of a price increase would cause them to switch, the top answer was “$1 – 1.49” (29%), followed by “$0.50 – 0.99” (28%) and “$1.50 – 1.99” (17.8%). 

Chart showing Canadians threshold for price increases

What Fresh Products are Canadians Trading? 

According to another survey by Caddle, most Canadians (61.9%) consume smoothies. As many smoothies contain berries, buying them fresh with the price increase might break the bank; therefore, when asked which fresh product Canadians who switched to frozen produce, have started buying frozen, the top answer was “Berries” (59.9%), followed by “Broccoli” (53.3%) and “Cauliflower” (36.6%). 

Chart showing Canadians switiching to frozen products from fresh

Main Takeaways

No.1 |

The top 3 grocery categories that have seen a price increase are “Meat” (71.3%), “Dairy/butter/cheese” (67.2%) and “Fresh fruits and vegetables” (66.8%).

No.2 |

48.2% of Canadians have made a shift to frozen products due to price increases.

No.3 |

The top 3 fresh grocery products Canadians who switched to frozen produce, started buying frozen are “Berries” (59.9%),  “Broccoli” (53.3%) and “Cauliflower” (36.6%). 

Liked what you just read? Caddle has a lot more to offer, check out our blog on Empty Shelves, Higher Prices and the Reasons Why!

*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.

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