Last updated on January 11 , 2022
COVID-19 disrupted the job market globally in 2020, and we are still facing the aftershock in 2022. Millions of people lost their jobs and others rapidly adjusted to working from home.
However, there is a subset of individuals that willingly resigned during the pandemic or are at least considering it.
Keeping this in mind, Caddle asked their Daily Survey Panel what their thoughts are on the great resignation.
Why are Canadians Quitting Their Jobs?
Caddle discovered that the top three reasons for those Canadians who have resigned were “Stress/burnout” (14%), “Toxic work culture” (12%) and “No longer wanting to work for manager or company” (10%).
Do all Generations Share the Same Sentiment?
With an increase in resignations it is interesting to learn that all generations have a different reason for quitting their job. Caddle discovered that Gen Z are most likely to resign because of “Inflexible work policies, meaningless jobs, and feeling under-paid”. Whereas, Millenials are more likely to say they resigned because they “Simply don’t want to work for their manager or the company” and for Gen Xers, it is all about “Lack of appreciation and recognition.”

Which Industry was Hit the Hardest?
This wave of resignations has spared no industry. However, some of the hardest hit industries are – “Retail” (11%), “ Healthcare” (9%) and “Education” (7%). One similarity between these three service industries is that they all require close contact with other individuals in order to successfully deliver the service. Not being able to do so has definitely created frustrations for both the employee and the consumer.

To Those Who Resigned…Where are They Now?
Of those who resigned, during the pandemic, over half (54%) had a job lined up. The jobs these respondents found during the pandemic or already had lined up, offered “A higher salary” (36%), “Better aligns with their values and sense of meaning” (22%), or “Has better flexibility” (16%). Go you!

Main Takeaways
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The top three reasons for those Canadians who have resigned were “Stress/burnout” (14%), “Toxic work culture” (12%) and “No longer wanting to work for manager or company” (10%).
No.2 |
Gen Z are most likely to resign because of “Inflexible work policies, meaningless jobs, and feeling under-paid”. Whereas, Millennials “Simply don’t want to work for their manager or the company” and for Gen Xers, it is all about “Lack of appreciation and recognition.”
No.3 |
The top 3 industries which were hit the hardest by the Great Resignation are “Retail” (11%), “Healthcare” (9%) and “Education” (7%).
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*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.
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