Last updated on December 7, 2021

Live shopping is where video live streaming meets e-Commerce and social media. It isn’t a new concept, but it’s currently making headlines around the world. Brands across fashion, homeware, beauty and many more are trying their hand at engaging shoppers in a new way.

Keeping this in mind, Caddle asked our Daily Survey Panel about their thoughts on live shopping. 

How Interested are Canadians in Live Shopping? 

Caddle discovered that only 25.4% of Canadians had a positive interest towards attending a live shopping event while 54.3% of Canadians were “Not at all interested” and 20.3% were “Somewhere in between”. 

Moreover, when asked about how likely they were to buy something from the live shopping event, 24% of Canadians were likely to make a purchase as compared to the 29.9% who answered they would “Definitely not buy”. 

Deep Dive into Demographics 

When we compare different generations and their participation in live shopping events, the difference is almost two fold – 26% of younger generations responded “Yes” to participating in live shopping events compared to only 13% of the General Population. 

Consequently, 1.9x more Gen Young (Millennials) have joined live events with influencers than the General Population (31% vs 18%). This could be due to a higher engagement of the younger audience on social media channels as compared to older generations. 

Looking at the male vs. female comparison, surprisingly men are more likely to purchase something at a live shopping event as compared to women as 28.6% of men were positively interested in buying something as compared to only 19% of women. This goes on to show that in 2021, men are in need of as much retail therapy as women and aren’t afraid to show it!

Main Takeaways

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Only 1 in 4 Canadians are interested in live shopping events –  25.4% of Canadians had a positive interest towards attending a live shopping event while 54.3% of Canadians were “Not at all interested”.

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Looking at generations and their participation in live shopping events, the difference is almost two fold – 26% of younger generations responded “Yes” to participating in live shopping events compared to only 13% of the general population.

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Men are more likely to purchase something at a live shopping event compared to women as 28.6% of men were positively interested in buying something compared to only 19% of women.

Liked what you just read? Caddle has a lot more to offer, Check out our blog on Black Friday or Seasonal Shopping!

*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.

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