Last updated on August 18, 2021
With pandemic closures expected to continue into the holiday season and possible COVID-19 spikes, are shopping malls the fitness solution we’re all in need of?
So, are consumers using shopping malls for mall-walking to stay fit? We asked over 8500 Canadians last week and almost half of all respondents are worried about sticking to their fitness routines this winter. For Canadians who visit malls, 47% are interested in visiting a shopping mall for exercise during the winter. Surprisingly, Gen Z are the most interested in visiting a shopping mall to exercise during the winter.
Are Gen Z the new generation of “mall-walkers”?
Are walk/run lanes at shopping malls a hot thing this winter?

Gen Z are Twice as Worried About Exercise
n = 8,577 | November 15, 2020
Gen Z over-index more than 2X when compared to Baby Boomers and say they are “extremely worried”.
As a result, many are looking to shopping malls as their physical activity of choice in order to get their daily steps in. Again, of the consumers that visit malls often or sometimes, Gen Z are 2X as interested in a run/walk lane at their local shopping mall when compared to Baby Boomers!
*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.
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