Box with 4 out of 5 stars indicating a review.

Last updated on March 1, 2022

Consumers have become more savvy on how to sift through ratings and reviews to find the best value for their purchase. According to Statista, 36% of internet users aged 24-35 use internet reviews to research different brands and products.

Keeping this in mind, Caddle asked our Daily Survey Panel about their thoughts on ratings and reviews, specifically on Amazon. 

Who is Using Amazon?

Amazon has quickly become one of the top retailers for products ranging from skincare to electronics and having them delivered in less than a day with its Prime feature is an extra bonus. Caddle discovered that in the past 3 months, 77% of Canadians visited Amazon’s website, out of which 77% were men and 75% were women. Furthermore, 41% of them used the ratings and review feature to assist with their purchases. 

Which Categories Have the Highest Reviews?

Amazon sells various products, and most of them have reviews. However, Caddle discovered the top 3 categories that Canadians most review are Electronics (51.5%), Appliances/home care (45.8%) and Clothing/accessories (44.5%). Out of this, men use ratings and reviews for Electronics (55.3%) the most, and for women for Personal/healthcare (55.1%). 

Why are Ratings and Reviews Successful?

Ratings and reviews have helped us save a few bucks here and there, and therefore, Caddle wanted to know the top 3 features that make ratings and reviews on Amazon so useful. Canadians responded the top reason is Helpful reviews (31.5%), followed by a Verified purchase review (18.5%) and a Star rating (14.3%). Moreover, 31% of Canadians are satisfied with the ratings and reviews on Amazon, out of which 32% are men and 25% are women

Main Takeaways

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Many Canadians are using Amazon’s website to make purchases, Caddle discovered 77% of Canadians visited in the past 3 months.

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Most products on have ratings and reviews, however, the top 3 categories that Canadians most review are Electronics (51.5%), Appliances/home care (45.8%) and Clothing/accessories (44.5%).

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The reason ratings and reviews on are successful are Helpful reviews (31.5%), followed by a Verified purchase review (18.5%) and a Star rating (14.3%).

*Disclaimer: all data presented is owned by Caddle and has a Margin of Error of 1% or lower.

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